Ariens 46 inch twin-blade riding lawn mower

Ariens twin-blade 46 inch riding lawn mower with 20 hp Briggs and Stratton engine. New purchased in 2012. Also attachments for the back bagger and the spike lawn aerator. Battery has been rebuilt in 2018. In very good condition, the body and attachments, the engine is not turning over-not sure why. Running stopped in May 2019. Owner does not need mower riding anymore, no reason to repair it. Great purchase for someone who can repair tiny machines or parts and accessories.

Price: $

About the product

Engine: Briggs & Stratton
Power: 20 hp
Model Number: 936056

About the seller

Name: Arthur
Address: 4105 Ballard Farm Rd.
Phone: (336) 601-6505

Contact the seller

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